In Berlin, testing and counseling for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C a. o. STI is provided at a number of different locations, including mobile units, by Berliner Aids-Hilfe e.V., Mann-O-Meter e.V. and Checkpoint BLN. The service is now being provided for the first time as a specific Berlin Campaign for anonymous rapid testing combined with counseling on HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C.
The aim of the Berlin Campaign is to reach as many members of the main target groups—men who have sex with men and drug users—as possible and encourage them to test. Early detection of an HIV, syphilis or hepatitis C infection improves the chance of a successful treatment outcome. The campaign aims to increase the safety of needle sharers and sexual partners, lower the number of new infections and reduce the number of infection-related deaths. The intended purpose of mandatory counseling before and after testing is to improve the level of the personal risk management with regard to the prevention of these infections.
The Berlin Campaign guarantees high professional standards, which are subject to continual improvement. With the support of the social welfare organization Paritätisch Wohlfahrtsverbandes Berlin, the Berliner Aids-Hilfe e.V., Mann-O-Meter e.V. and Checkpoint BLN have set up a task force to ensure the continued quality of the combined rapid testing and counseling service.